Shooting at the beach for this tall sexdoll

Some have already put on their swimsuits, I think! and this is the case of this recent WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup, not to be confused with the very similar model, but apparently less appreciated.

This model has been quite successful with sexdolls fans. It must be said once again that WM Dolls has drawn the beautiful one very well. Her very large size with her super long legs make her an incredibly elegant doll. I know, I told you, but that’s really what it does for me.

The heat is rising

You realized that it was getting hot and that it was time to get ready for the beach outings (which should be done by July or August). And this sexdoll has got it figured out. She’s already all tanned.

WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup
WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup

This choice of skin tone is really great. I love it. Personally, I chose my Olga with a slightly less tanned skin tone. But I’m going to end up regretting it when I see this model and this shade. What’s more, with this cream spread on her body, I can already feel the summer heat running through my body and making my sensitive areas wriggle.

When you say tan and summer, you also say bikini!

What a nice choice that multicolored string bikini. For those who don’t have sexdolls yet, or who have just bought one, bikinis are very practical and sexy to “dress up” a sexdoll. It adapts well to the shape of your protégé, whether she has big tits, a super-thin waist or a huge ass. It’s really a must-have outfit! So I invite you to plan a stock to vary according to your desires.

WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup
WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup

A mannequin size

In the case of this sexdoll, we stay in fairly natural measurements. For a sexdoll, it’s in the taller ones, but 5ft7 or 172cm is a correct size for most of us. For her body, she has the measurements of a modern mannequin: 89 cm or 35 inches / 61 cm – 24 inches / 88 cm – 34.5 inches.

WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup
WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup

There’s nothing vulgar about this sexdoll. She’s beautiful. If she were human, she would be a big star on Instagram or TikTok, or a famous model who would go around the world. And with that face #159 and those gorgeous green eyes, she’d turn any head.

WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup
WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup

Yes, that’s right, that sexdoll. For those who dream while watching the fashion catwalks in Milan, London, Paris or New York, you can treat yourself to one at home, and have your own model dressed in your own creations.
For beginners or seasoned photographers, this sexdoll is just a fantasy that can be fulfilled. Then why deprive ourselves of it?


  • Weight

  • Face

  • Height

  • Boobs

  • Butt

  • Sexy


User Review

(11 votes)

WM Dolls 5ft7 172cm D Cup Specs

  • Height: 172 cm – 5ft7
  • Bust: 89 cm – 35in
  • D cup
  • Waist: 61 cm – 24in
  • Hips: 88 cm – 34,5in
  • Weight: 38kg – 84 lbs

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