Hey Ruby13 Doll! Ask your new DVD Instructional Video

R13 Inst AdRuby13 instructional VIDEO hosted by the fantastic Brianna.

In the video Brash from Ruby13 decided to allow her to do most of the work.
She lifts Ruby
She dresses Ruby
She bathes and Powders Ruby
So, many of the shots are a bit long since it’s kinda fun to watch.

At the end I included lots of extra footage of Brianna just sitting around
waiting for Ruby, since that’s part of the process.

Some known vids added to the DVD: the EarthQuake Ruby, Silicone Lolita, and a few others.

Some pics of the DVD and the link:

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The TDF link: http://www.dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=59065&sid=24051e49d234994a9a5a39fc3999a238

Ruby13 link; http://www.ruby13.net/

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